Livonia, Michigan



St. Genevieve-St. Maurice Parish has reached our goal for the 2024 Catholic Services Appeal! Thank you to the all the parishioners who have made gifts and pledges. If you are still prayerfully considering your CSA pledge, please know that our parish will now receive 100 percent of the gifts we receive.

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

GROW AS A DISCIPLE “It is so good to be poor, to have nothing, to await all from God!” These sentiments of the humble French religious sister St. Jeanne Jugan sum up the spirit of Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel.    Jesus praises poverty, hunger, sadness, and rejection, but certainly not as ends in themselves; God…

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

GROW AS A DISCIPLE “Woe is me; I am doomed!” “I am the least of the apostles, not fit to be called an apostle.” “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” Do you notice a theme today? Each of these lines – taken from our readings – reveals the humbling reality that…

The Presentation of The Lord

GROW AS A DISCIPLE Mary and Joseph bring their 40-day-old infant Jesus to the temple in order to fulfill the Mosaic law. There, they are met by Simeon and Anna, the faithful prophets who have spent their lives waiting for the coming of the King of Glory. These many years of waiting were like the…

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

GROW AS A DISCIPLE Late 19th-century English author G.K. Chesterton famously wrote, “Catholic doctrine and discipline may be walls, but they are the walls of a playground.” We can think of God’s commandments serving as rules governing primary school recess: by providing us with a structure in which we can explore, play, stumble, and get…

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

GROW AS A DISCIPLE Pop quiz: What was the name of the bride and groom at the wedding in today’s Gospel? If you’re unsure, you’re not alone; the bridegroom is mentioned only in passing and the names of the newlyweds are not recorded at all in Scripture. Instead, the most prominent man in the account…

The Baptism of the Lord

GROW AS A DISCIPLE In many renditions of the Baptism of Jesus, artists connect the scene at the Jordan River with Jesus’ death. A withered tree, for example, reminds us of the cross, or a mountain points to Mount Calvary. These connections show a real relationship between Jesus’ baptism and his passion: his baptism marks…