Please join us on October 14th for Mercy in Action Day, in which parishes in the Archdiocese of Detroit do service projects to help their local com- munities.
This year we are teaming up with our Mother of Divine Love Family to help Sanctum House in Novi. Sanctum House provides sanctuary for women that are survivors of human trafficking. We will be collecting household and personal items to donate to them. Please look for the bin in the Gathering Area labeled “Sanctum House” to drop your donations in.
On October 14th, volunteers will be sorting the donated items, plus writing notes of encouragement to the women at Sanctum House, as well as the homebound and senior living center residents.
At 11am there will be a speaker from Sanctum House in the Activities Center to talk about human trafficking in our area and how Sanctum House helps these women. Donations will be accepted from 9-11am on October 14th in a drive-up process.
See flyer in the bulletin for details. Thank you!