Meetings are held at 6:30pm the first Monday of the month in the Activities Center.
All are welcome!
Are you a naturally caring, compassionate and giving person?
Were you blessed with parents and other role models in life from whom you learned that the joy of living is giving?
If you answered YES to either of the above questions look for an Invitation to Serve from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in future bulletins.

Once logged into your Kroger account search for SVdP St. Genevieve-St. Maurice either by name or reward code BV862 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card.
The Conference of St. Vincent de Paul Is seeking volunteers to pick up bread from a local restaurant on Friday afternoons and then deliver it to St. Christine’s Soup Kitchen and Pantry before 9:00 am on Saturday mornings. This is done in teams of two. In total, it will take about two hours of your time. You will receive training before going out on your own. Our hope is to assemble up to four teams. If you are interested or seek further information please leave your name and number with the Parish Office at 734.427.5220. You will be contacted by a member of the SVdP team.
Thanking you ahead of time for making a difference.
St. Genevieve – St. Maurice Food Pantry
Food donations can be made at the Rectory Monday – Friday 10:00 am — 3:00 pm. Current donations we are in need of: Applesauce (unsweetened) Please be aware, we are unable to accept any items that are expired. Thank you for supporting this ministry throughout the year. THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT, YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO ASSIST THE LESS FORTUNATE. For information, please contact the Parish office
Canned fruit
Elbow Macaroni
Fabric softener or sheets
Grape jelly
Instant potatoes
Juice boxes
Laundry Detergent
Pancake syrup
Paper towels
Pasta sauce
Peanut butter
Ramen Noodles (chicken)
Soup (chicken noodle, Chunky cream of chicken)
Toilet paper
Please place food pantry items in the Gathering Area