Livonia, Michigan

Events (Page 10)

Blood Drive

On Sunday January 28th the Knights of Columbus will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive in the Activities Center from 9 AM to 3 PM. Appointment sign-ups will be done before and after all Masses the weekends of Jan 14th and 21st . You can also sign up on the American Red Cross website…

24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration

Spend quiet, reflective time with Jesus this Advent season by signing up for an hour in prayer. Sign-up sheets are in the gathering area.  

Men’s Club Meeting & Christmas Party

Members are invited to attend the December meeting on Tuesday, the 12th, and bring your spouse or other guest to the meeting. It will be a little different this year, it will not be a catered dinner. We will have pizzas, salads, and subs, along with dessert, and our normal open bar. The doors will…

Nativities and Noels – St. Vincent de Paul

On Sunday, December 10th, between 10 am and 2 pm, St. Vincent de Paul is hosting a parish nativity scene display. All are invited to view the displays, enjoy a donut and cup of coffee, and let your children have some “nativity fun”. To make this a true parish event, we ask you to consider…