Join us on Sunday, April 7th for the Feast of Divine Mercy Confessions at 2pm Divine Mercy Chaplet & Holy Hour at 3pm (There will be multiple priests hearing confessions)
Join us on Sunday, April 7th for the Feast of Divine Mercy Confessions at 2pm Divine Mercy Chaplet & Holy Hour at 3pm (There will be multiple priests hearing confessions)
There will be a St. Vincent de Paul Society meeting on Monday, March 11th at 6:30 in the Activities Center. All are welcome to attend.
There will be multiple priests for individual confessions.
Next weekend, March 16th & 17th, the Knights of Columbus will again be selling Tootsie Rolls before and after all Masses. Donations will go to 4 local schools to help support mentally handclapped and educationally challenged children. This includes our Divine Mercy Academy.