Livonia, Michigan

Events (Page 12)

St. Edith Catholic School Open House

Teachers in grades PS3, Prek4, Young Five’s (Kindergarten Prep), and Kindergarten through Grade 8 will introduce you to their classroom and the curriculum. To learn more about St. Edith Catholic School, visit the website St. Edith Catholic School is located at: 15089 Newburgh Road Livonia, MI 48154 Ph: 734-464-1250  

St. Edith Catholic School Open House

Teachers in grades PS3, Prek4, Young Five’s (Kindergarten Prep), and Kindergarten through Grade 8 will introduce you to their classroom and the curriculum. To learn more about St. Edith Catholic School, visit the website St. Edith Catholic School is located at: 15089 Newburgh Road Livonia, MI 48154 Ph: 734-464-1250  

Blood Drive

On Sunday January 28th the Knights of Columbus will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive in the Activities Center from 9 AM to 3 PM. Appointment sign-ups will be done before and after all Masses the weekends of Jan 14th and 21st . You can also sign up on the American Red Cross website…

24 Hour Eucharistic Adoration

Spend quiet, reflective time with Jesus this Advent season by signing up for an hour in prayer. Sign-up sheets are in the gathering area.