Livonia, Michigan

Events (Page 13)

Men’s Club Meeting & Christmas Party

Members are invited to attend the December meeting on Tuesday, the 12th, and bring your spouse or other guest to the meeting. It will be a little different this year, it will not be a catered dinner. We will have pizzas, salads, and subs, along with dessert, and our normal open bar. The doors will…

Nativities and Noels – St. Vincent de Paul

On Sunday, December 10th, between 10 am and 2 pm, St. Vincent de Paul is hosting a parish nativity scene display. All are invited to view the displays, enjoy a donut and cup of coffee, and let your children have some “nativity fun”. To make this a true parish event, we ask you to consider…

Parish Special Collection

The Project Hope pro-life ministry provides assistance for pregnant and parenting moms in need at the St. Frances Cabrini Clinic in Detroit. The Walking with Moms in Need initiative partners with the Archdiocese of Detroit to equip and assist Catholic parishes and parishioners in raising awareness about resources that aid pregnant and parenting moms in…

Faith Formation Gift Card Fundraiser

Start your Christmas shopping early by purchasing gift cards in support of our Faith Formation program. Order forms will be in the gathering area starting this weekend. Turn in your form to the parish office by November 29th.   Thank you for your support!

Women’s Sodality – Annual Advent Tea

$15 – Includes a light lunch and dessert Seating is limited Advent through the eyes of Mary How her experience changed us Presented by Patty Breen Sign-up form can be found in the bulletin  

All Souls Day Remembrance Mass

Each year during the month of November, we pray in a special way for all our deceased loved ones. We invite you and your family members to attend our Remembrance Mass on Thursday, November 2nd at 9 am and 7pm. During this Mass we will pray for all our faithful departed, but especially for those…