Livonia, Michigan

Events (Page 16)

St. Vincent de Paul Bottle and Can Drive

Saint Vincent de Paul (SVDP) will be hosting a can and bottle drive before and after the Masses on August 12th and 13th.  Please bring your cans and bottles, in clean plastic bags or containers, drop them at the back of the parking lot, near the convent. SVDP members will be available to assist. The…

2023 Annual Men’s Club Golf Outing

ST. GENEVIEVE-ST. MAURICE MEN’S CLUB ANNUAL PARISH GOLF OUTING SCRAMBLE SATURDAY, AUG. 19th 8 A.M. SHOTGUN START Whispering Willows Golf Course 8 Mile and Newburgh, Livonia $75 per player, includes golf, cart, snacks, lunch and prizes. Space is limited to 30, four-person teams. Entry Form

Little Bethlehem Christian Group – Unique Products from the Holy Land

Representatives from Bethlehem Christian Families will be with us on June 17th & 18th to ask for your help and blessing for the native people of the Holy Land in Bethlehem. These families, sixty years ago, made up 18% of the population. Due to recent events in the Middle East, it has caused these families…

Graduation Mass

We will be celebrating all High School, College, and Trade School graduates at the 11am Mass on June 25th! RSVP to by June 16th

7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Thursday Evening Sessions)

Who is the Holy Spirit? For most of us, the Holy spirit—the Third Person of the Holy Trinity is the hardest to understand. He seems abstract, elusive, unknowable. But He wants us to know Him. He is our Advocate. In fact, He has given each baptized Christian seven distinct gifts to help us know him…