Livonia, Michigan

Events (Page 40)

Flower Cards

Would you like a beautiful free bouquet of flowers to brighten your day once every month? This is your last call to get your 2021 Merri-Craft Flower Cards! We still have cards left in the Parish Office for only $30. Cards will be available until the week of January 18th. Please contact Katie to schedule…

Christmas Day Mass

Due to COVID, we will have limited capacity in the church (first come, first served). For those who cannot find a pew in the church, there will be an option to participate in Mass from the Activities Center via live stream with the distribution of the Holy Communion.

Christmas Eve Mass – Midnight

Due to COVID, we will have limited capacity in the church (first come, first served). For those who cannot find a pew in the church, there will be an option to participate in Mass from the Activities Center via live stream with the distribution of the Holy Communion.

Christmas Eve Mass – 6PM

Due to COVID, we will have limited capacity in the church (first come, first served). For those who cannot find a pew in the church, there will be an option to participate in Mass from the Activities Center via live stream with the distribution of the Holy Communion.

Christmas Eve Mass – 4PM

Due to COVID, we will have limited capacity in the church (first come, first served). For those who cannot find a pew in the church, there will be an option to participate in Mass from the Activities Center via live stream with the distribution of the Holy Communion.