Livonia, Michigan

Events (Page 40)

Rosary Walk For All Souls at Cemetery

Rosary Walk Holy Sepulchre Cemetery Sunday, November 1st  at 1:30pm During the month of November the Church prays in a special way for the Souls of the Faithful Departed. Join us to pray for our beloved dead on Sunday, November 1st 1:30pm at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Meet at the front entrance of the cemetery near…

Right To Life – LIFESPAN – 2020 CIDER Walk For Life

Give thanks for all the good things God has given each and every one of us, beginning with the gift of life! Join us next Sunday, October 18that the RTL-LIFESPAN Wayne County Chapter Office from 1:30-3:30 pm to joyfully walk the neighborhood in support of Life. CIDER stands for Children In-Utero Deserve Equal Rights. Participants…

World Mission Sunday 2020

This weekend is World Mission Sunday. We are called through our Baptism to be part of the Church’s missionary efforts, through prayer, self-sacrifice, and support of the Mission Church through material aid. Your financial support helps to make mission work possible and your prayerful support helps to make mission work successful. If you would like…

St. Vincent de Paul Meeting

Your parish St. Vincent de Paul Society is meeting this Monday, October 12th, in the Activities Center at 6:30 pm. Social distancing requirements remain in effect, so please bring your face mask. The Society aspires to be recognized as a caring Catholic charity offering “a hand up” to the people in need within our parish…

Pet Blessing

Pet Blessing Saturday, October 3rd 12pm St. Genevieve-St. Maurice Parking Lot Bring your pet for a special blessing with Fr. Tom to honor St. Francis of Assisi who found God in every creature. Social distancing guidelines to be followed.

St. Vincent de Paul Clothing Drive

The St. Vincent de Paul clothing drive will be held at St. Genevieve-St. Maurice Parish on October 3rd & 4th before and after all Masses. Due to COVID-19 many of our parishioners are still not attending Mass. So, If you know of anyone who is interested please inform them.