Livonia, Michigan

Events (Page 43)

Pet Blessing

Pet Blessing Saturday, October 3rd 12pm St. Genevieve-St. Maurice Parking Lot Bring your pet for a special blessing with Fr. Tom to honor St. Francis of Assisi who found God in every creature. Social distancing guidelines to be followed.

St. Vincent de Paul Clothing Drive

The St. Vincent de Paul clothing drive will be held at St. Genevieve-St. Maurice Parish on October 3rd & 4th before and after all Masses. Due to COVID-19 many of our parishioners are still not attending Mass. So, If you know of anyone who is interested please inform them.

Life Chain

This year, members of our Congregation will be joining thousands of other pro-life people who will line the sidewalks along routes in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb Counties. All LIFE CHAINparticipants will be holding uniform pre-printed signs such as: Abortion Kills Children, Abortion Hurts Women, Pray to End Abortion, Life-The First Inalienable Right, Adoption: The Loving…