Livonia, Michigan

Events (Page 52)

Euchre Night

Join us for Euchre night on Friday, August 23rd at 7pm in the Activities Center. $10 per person. No partner needed. All skill levels welcome. Bring a snack to share & quarters for when you get euchred!  🙂 Reserve your spot today, RSVP to 734-261-5920 or  

Mission Appeal

WE ARE PLEASED TO WELCOME FR. NICHOLAS MTEI FROM THE CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF MOSHI. Ordained July 17, 2008 The Catholic Diocese of Moshi is situated in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania, East Africa. The Diocese stretches along the slopes and low plains of volcanic mountain Kilimanjaro, covering an area of 5,029 sq. km. The Diocese of Moshi was officially inaugurated on March…

2019 Men’s Club Golf Outing

Our annual golf outing will be held on Saturday  Aug. 24th, at Whispering Willows in Livonia. Please feel free to invite family and friends as well! Click the link below to download the entry form which can be mailed to the parish, dropped off at the parish office, or you can bring them to Mass.…

Altar Server Training

ALTAR SERVER TRAINING On Friday, July 19th from 1:30 pm-2:30 pm we will have altar server training. All current altar servers are  encouraged to come for a refresher! The youth of our parish who are in the  3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th grades and any High School Students who would like to serve…

Bowling for Life

Put your bowling skills and pro-life enthusiasm to the test! Come out on July 26th and enjoy to games of bowling which include: Bowling shoes, 2 slices of pizza and soda 50/50, prizes, mystery bowling, raffle baskets and more!

Detroit Tigers Baseball Game Bus Trip

The St. Genevieve – St. Maurice Men’s Club is again sponsoring  a trip to see a Tigers Game. This year, the game trip is on Tuesday, July 23rd, when the Tigers play the Phillies. The  cost  is  $50.00  per  person,  and includes  round  trip  bus  transportation, food  and  snacks,  refreshments,  and game tickets. We will…

Peter’s Pence Collection

We will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which provides Pope Francis with the funds he needs to carry out his charitable works around the world. The proceeds benefit our  brothers  and  sisters  on  the  margins  of society,  including  victims  of  war,  oppression,  and  natural disasters.  Please  be  generous.  For  more  information,  visit