Livonia, Michigan

Events (Page 55)

Sodality Christmas Party

Monday, December 3rd is the Sodality’s Christmas Party at the Activities Center. Remember to bring your gift for Angel House or Livonia Opportunity House. Kathy will be distributing them soon. Remember to say an extra prayer for your fellow Sodality members. See you in Church, Theresa

2018 Retirement Fund For Religious

Collection for Retirement fund for Religious The Weekend of December 8th & 9th A donor writes, “Your flyer touched my heart—seeing the retired religious, such memories surfaced.” Do you remember the sisters, brothers, or religious order priests who made a positive difference in your life? Today many are elderly and need assistance. Their religious communities struggle to meet retirement needs while continuing…

Men’s Club Meeting

A reminder of our meeting this coming Tuesday, the 20th. We will be having the annual elections for those nominated for the board positions at the October meeting. We will also have the sign up for the Men’s Club annual Christmas dinner on Tuesday, December 18th. We expect the price will be the same for…

Young Adult Card Night

Join Young Adults on Sunday, November 25th 6-8pm for a card night in the Activities Center. Pop and appetizers will be provided.  Please RSVP on the Parish Facebook event or via email to  Hope you can make it.  Bring a friend!  Kids are welcome.

Halloween Extravaganza

DESTINATION:   Three Cedars Farm, Northville DESIGNATED ADMINISTRATOR OF ACTIVITY:  Adult Team Chaperones DATE/TIME OF EVENT:  Friday, October 26, 2018 – 6-10pm Meet @ 3 Cedars STUDENT COST: $15 – Cost includes Hayride, Corn Maze, Bonfire, Cider & Donuts, Hot Dogs, pop, & s’mores. Teens may bring extra money to spend at the Cider Mill or…

World Mission Sunday

We celebrate this day by remembering the revitalizing mission at the heart of our Christian faith – to bring the Gospel to all! The collection today for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith ensures the work and service of the Mission Church, as it supports priests, religious and lay leaders who offer the…