Livonia, Michigan

Events (Page 56)

Women’s Sodality Angel’s Dinner

The Angel Dinner is this Monday, June 4th at DeLuca’s restaurant. Start time is 5:30 pm with dinner being served at 6:00 pm. If you have not as yet reserved your spot call Joanne Camiller and let her know you are coming. You can pay the $10.00 to her at the restaurant. Who will be…

St. Genvieve – St. Maurice “Unleash the Gospel” Parish Mission

[quote]Lord you have the words of everlasting life.[/quote] John 6:68 St. Genevieve – St. Maurice Parish Mission Foundationed on Unleash the Gospel Fr. Thomas Carzon, OMV June 24-27 Knowing Jesus is so much more that simply knowing about him. This Parish Mission will help you grow personal friendship with Jesus. Discover Practical ways of hearing…

2018 “SonQuest Rainforest” Vacation Bible School

July 16th – 20th 9:00am – 12:00pm Vacation Bible School Registration Is Happening Now! Calling all children entering preschool (age 4, must be potty-trained) through those entering 6th grade.  Come Join us for Games, Crafts, Songs, Snacks and Bible Stories all week long!  We will be exploring the Rainforest through God’s Love! You won’t want…

Graduation Recognition and Brunch

Dear 8th grade, High School or College Graduates, St. Genevieve – St. Maurice Parish would like to help you mark this academic milestone in your life. On Sunday, June 10, 2018, we would be honored to recognize you and your family during our 11:00 am Mass. Graduation Brunch following Mass. [box] RSVP [734.427.5220] with the…

Women’s Sodality Meeting

Our next general meeting will be Monday May 7. We will have the installation of officers in the Chapel at 6:30 pm. The officers for the fiscal year September 2017- June 2018 are: President – Judi Fanco 2nd Vice President – Theresa Welling Recording Secretary – Gerri Borys Corresponding Secretary – Irene Zalazny Treasurer –…