Livonia, Michigan

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion

By the Faithful Disciple


As we begin Holy Week, we hear Matthew’s account of the Passion. We see Jesus’ humanity as he experiences sorrow and distress in the hours before his death. Three times, he asks the Father to “let this cup pass from me, yet, not as I will, but as you will.” In our own human experience, I am guessing many of us have asked the Father to “let this cup pass” – for in addition to life’s joys, we will all experience setbacks, struggles, and suffering. By example, Jesus shows us that we can turn to our Father, trusting in his will for us.  Let this be a reminder in this holiest of weeks that we can bring our suffering and our doubts to the Father, knowing that the joy of Easter will come.


The final words of today’s Gospel [shorter version] are those of the centurion and the men keeping watch over Jesus: “Truly this was the Son of God!” Let us keep in mind this central proclamation of our faith while attending Triduum services this week. On Holy Thursday, we remember the Last Supper and the institution of the Eucharist and the priesthood, celebrating Christ’s outpouring of love for us. On Good Friday we venerate the cross as we solemnly recall the passion and death of Jesus. And of course, at the Easter Vigil and on Easter Sunday, we celebrate the story of our salvation, culminating in Jesus’ resurrection. As Christians, we know that the cross will give way to the empty tomb and the promise of new life in Christ. Let our voices be strong this week as we echo the centurion’s words above, and may Jesus’ name be praised forever!


Praying the Stations of the Cross allows us to walk with Jesus through his passion and death. Make that journey with Jesus this week.