Livonia, Michigan

Special Collection

With Thanks for Their Service in Christ

The blessings of a priest to our Catholic life of faith are boundless. Perhaps a priest baptized your infant daughter, or administered your son’s first Holy Communion. Perhaps he witnessed your marriage vows as you celebrated the Sacrament of Matrimony, or presided at the funeral Mass of a loved one called home to the Lord.

But the retirement years can be difficult for these men who dedicate as many as 50 years or more of their lives to caring for and ministering to others. With gratitude for their years of faithful ministry, Catholics in the Archdiocese of Detroit have acknowledged and embraced the responsibility for helping our priests during their retirement.

Please prayerfully reflect on how you can best contribute to the Priests’ Retirement collection this year.

Envelopes can be found in plastic holder at the Organ Console door and in our Gathering Area.