Second Vice-President: Theresa Welling
Treasurer: Joanne Camiller
Corresponding Secretary: Irene Zelazny
Recording Secretary: Gerri Borys
Program Director: Kathy Damphousse
The Women’s Sodality was chartered in 1959 and was originally called the Rosary Altar Sodality. It has been a vehicle for strengthening our community spirit within and outside the Parish Some activities over the years include: Christmas Bazaars; Arts and Craft Shows; Bake Sales; Raffles; Fashion Shows; Sacramental Receptions; special breakfasts; and installation dinners. The St. Maurice Women’s Guild has been an active organization for many years – aimed at organizing and performing many of the most important parish functions like the annual picnics, bake sales and special receptions. Both womens’ organizations have now come together to form a new, stronger maternal organization that will serve our parish family for years to come.
Responsibilities include: Altar care and cleaning; maintaining servers robes and Altar linens; decorating sanctuary; providing Baptismal stoles; hosting special receptions; maintaining kitchen and equipment; assisting Our Lady of Providence and other local nursing homes; and maintaining/decorating the Blessed Mother Shrine.