Livonia, Michigan

Crocodile Dock Vacation Bible School

Calling all children entering preschool (age 4, must be potty trained) through those entering 6th grade. Come join us for Games, Crafts, Songs, Snacks and Bible Stories all week long! We will explore the Bayou where Fearless Kids Shine God’s Light! You won’t want to miss this amazing adventure.

**Cost for VBS will be $25 for the first child and $10 for each addition child (in the same family). Maximum family cost $45.**

Family Name__________________________________________

Parent’s Name_________________________________________

Primary Address_______________________________________

Primary Phone Number__________________________________

Primary Email_________________________________________

Home Church_________________________________________

Who May pick up your Child______________________________

Photography statement – I give my permission for my child(ren) to be photographed and their image used /shared with the parish community in the bulletin, marketing materials, website and social media pages. Circle Yes or No – Parish Initials_____

Child / ren Names______________________________________

Age___ Grade (in the fall) __________

Medical or Special Needs ________________________________

Special Needs_________________________________________ Allergies_____________________________________________




Please sign up to help our VBS week become a success.


Contact #___________________________________________

Please Circle One: Adult High Schooler (9th-12th grade)
