Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation Classes Begin This Month!

Have you returned your children’s registration form?

Registration for 2012-2013 is in progress. Please return forms to
the rectory or mail to the Faith Formation office. Additional
registration forms can be found on the Parish web-site on the
Faith Formation page, or in the back of Church. Please call the
Faith Formation office if you have any questions at 734-261-5920
and leave a message on extension 400 and your call will be
returned as soon as possible.

WILL you consider sharing your Faith with our youth?

Catechists are needed for the up-coming year for elementary
Faith Formation classes. If you enjoy working with young
people, and have received the Sacrament of Confirmation please
prayerfully consider joining us as a Catechist. Our student’s
sessions are held on Wednesdays. Elementary classes are
offered from 5:00 pm to 6:10 pm.

Experience is not necessary. Training, assistance with lesson
planning, and resources will be provided to those selected to
serve in this rewarding ministry.

Catechist Formation Topic classes are available in August at
St. Mel’s and through the year at various other parishes. These
classes will not only lead to certification as a catechist, they may
potentially enrich your spiritual formation! If you are interested,
please contact the Faith Formation office at 734-261-5920.

Volunteers will also be needed to assist with office duties or
parking lot supervision.

Have a peace-filled and refreshing summer!
Sheryl Nordstrom, DRE