Livonia, Michigan


Notes from Pat

This is that time of year again when our choir rehearsals will be starting up again. Hopefully everyone had a fun and relaxing summer with family and friends. I hope to see many new faces this year on Thursday, September 5th at 5:30 in church. Please consider joining us as we sing praise to our…

Notes from Pat

While I was on vacation, we did a lot of reading and I would like to share this with you … by Bishop Andrew Cozzens in a segment from his keynote address for the Eucharistic Revival; “We need to move the HEART and do something beautiful – when we kneel, when we bow before Jesus,…

Notes from Pat

A big ‘THANK YOU’ to all who donated shoe boxes for the poor and needy in Appalachia. I was told that the Felician Sisters are gift-wrapping the shoe boxes that you have donated and also filling them so if you would like to donate shampoo, liquid soap, deodorant, etc., you can place them in the…

Notes from Pat

As the saying goes, “It takes a village to reach a particular goal”. In this case it holds true! Many of you who were able to attend the Tenebrae service expressed to me that it was a very beautiful and prayerful way to begin Holy Week. I am so grateful to hear these positive comments…

Notes from Pat

Please mark your calendars for the evening of Palm Sunday, April 2nd at 7 p.m. for a musical presentation of the sorrowful ‘Passion and Death of Our Lord, Jesus Christ’, called a ‘Tenebrae’. It will be presented by our choir with orchestral accompaniment. This spiritual presentation will be held in our church, invite your friends…

Notes from Pat

All are invited to come and join our CHOIRS! On Sept.3rd & 4th, after all masses, you can SIGN UP! In addition to the Adult Choir, we hope to start a Children’s Choir for kids ages 6-10. We also need more Musicians….so whether you play a harp, flute, violin or another instrument… we need you!…

Notes from Pat

Summertime, and the livin’ is easy … the song goes. For this reason, I have given the choir a break for the summer- a well-deserved break at that! Some of them will continue to come and sing when they can, without having our weekly rehearsals. They are a very dedicated group that I really appreciate…