Livonia, Michigan


Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

By the Faithful Disciple GROW AS A DISCIPLE St. Boniface, an English Benedictine monk who died in the 8th century, wrote in a letter: “In her voyage across the ocean of this world, the Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life’s different stresses. Our duty is not to abandon…

First Sunday of Advent

By the Faithful Disciple GROW In a nineteenth-century sermon, St. John Henry Newman wrote of today’s Gospel: “[Jesus] mercifully whispers into our ears – not to share in the general unbelief [around us], not to be carried away by the world but to ‘beware, keep alert’ and look out for his coming.” I love the…

Prayer for Priestly Vocations

Heavenly Father, Lord of the Harvest, call forth vocations to the priesthood from our archdiocese and families. Jesus, Eternal High Priest, give us men willing to sacrifice and serve. Make their hearts after your own Sacred Heart. Holy Spirit, Everlasting Love between the Father and Son, strengthen, inspire, and set men on fire with divine…

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

By The Faithful Disciple GROW AS A DISCIPLE Unlike with our other important relationships, God isn’t exactly someone we can meet for coffee and look into his eyes while having a conversation. Whether we talk to God in our mind or out loud, we recognize that even with a good prayer life it can sometimes…

Parish Picnic – Help Needed

We are seeking a chair person and enthusiastic volunteers to coordinate the activities of our parish picnic! One person from each organization should be present. When: Tentative August 3rd at 6:30pm Where: Activities Center We need help with: Donations for raffle baskets Games for adults/children Coordination with parish organizations Music Set-Up Clean-up We have contacts…

Faith Formation News

Hello families! MEET OUR EXTENDED FAMILY – St. Sharbel Makhluf (Feast Day July 24) May 8, 1828 – December 24, 1898 Although this saint never traveled far from the Lebanese village of Beka-Kafra, where he was born, his influence has spread widely. An uncle raised Joseph Zaroun Makhluf because his father died when Joseph was…