Livonia, Michigan

Influenza and the Liturgy

The flu season is upon us once more and some of our parishioners are very concerned about the spread of germs especially from some of the liturgical practices at Mass.  Hopefully the following suggestions will help with these concerns.


  1. Priests, Deacons and all liturgical ministers should carefully wash their hands and/or use a hand sanitizer before and after Mass.
  2. The communicant should consider receiving Communion in the hand during this season to avoid contact between the minister’s hands and the communicant’s mouth and saliva.
  3. All who are sick: coughing, sneezing, sniffling or generally not feeling well, excluding allergies, should not approach the Chalice to receive the Precious Blood out of a sincere concern for the health and well-being of others.
  4. If someone is sick, please refrain from holding hands during the Our Father.  All should be encouraged to pray the Our Father with hands raised to God…the orans position.
  5. If someone is sick, do not hesitate not to shake hands at the Kiss of Peace.  It might be prudent to tell your neighbors before the start of Mass that you have a cold and will not be shaking hands only because of that.  Perhaps a bow of the head and the greeting “Peace be with you,” could be shared with  those around instead.