Livonia, Michigan

From Fr. Tom!

How strong is your faith in the Good Lord?
Our faith is always measured by our persistence. No matter how impossible our petition before God is, if we will persist and never give up, God shall grant us what we wish for. It may not always be what we want, but it will always be what we need.
This was proven by the Canaanite woman, who never gave up on Jesus to heal her daughter (tormented by a demon). She persisted no matter the rejection from Jesus until He saw her great faith. If the woman easily gave up, her daughter would not have been healed by Jesus, but she persisted with faith, then Jesus granted the wish of her heart.
We too have our own request before God; we may have been praying before Jesus for something, and He may seem deaf to our pleadings. Let us not give up, for He will grant us what we need in His own perfect time. Let us work silently, let us be patient, and let us continue to pray for His guidance.
Work for what you want to have in your life, never give up, continue to pray, and ask God to grant your prayers. He shall surely smile at you someday so long as you never quit. How strong is your faith in God?
Fr. Tom