“Go to the poor: you will find God”………
Your St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Society provides financial, food, and spiritual assistance to neighbors living within our parish boundaries. The funding and food for the pantry is supplied by your individual contributions, along with donations from local/corporate merchants which includes Meijer, Kroger, CVS, Bob’s Furniture, Google, Pfizer, and Jimmy John’s. Through home visits, our members give hope to our brothers and sisters in Christ. Direct financial assistance may be given for rent, shelter, utilities, medical bills, car repairs, and more. Vouchers are given for food, clothing, gasoline, or furniture. Food is provided through the parish pantry.
This caring mission could not be accomplished without your gifts and more importantly your prayers. Through them, you are putting your faith in action. With them, SVdP was able to serve over 400 individuals within the past 12 months. While we at SVdP can say thank you, it is the words of a young mother that says it best, “thank you for feeding my children.”
We are proud to announce that we were one of the few SVdP societies in the Midwest chosen by the national SVdP for their Friends of the Poor grant. In addition, the Archdiocese of Detroit recently awarded us their annual Rice Bowl grant. These grants along with your prayers will be used to ensure that families within our parish boundaries have a home, food, and utilities throughout this upcoming winter season.
In closing, thank you once again. We appreciate your continued support during this unique time in our parish, and our country. Often those we assist have only four small words to express their appreciation. While the words are small in nature, to them the words are huge. And so, we pass them forward to you, “May God bless you.”
The Saint Vincent de Paul (SVdP) society is an opportunity to put your faith into action in service to your neighbor in need. Our membership is called by faith to serve the community. We believe we have a responsibility to turn our concern into action. Are you looking for a meaningful form of service? Your SVdP is always seeking new members to serve our neighbors in need. Members meet on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 pm, in the Activities Center.
For more information on joining this ministry, or to seek help, please call the parish office at 734.427.5220 and leave a message for SVdP.