Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation News

Hello Faith Formation families,

Check the bulletin for Lenten prayer opportunities you can do as a family, especially Friday evenings Stations of the Cross. Last Friday our 7th graders did an awesome job reading the Stations of the Cross! Allison Malinowski and Cole Morton were supported by their classmates as they read each station and reflection.

On Palm Sunday, March 28th, Fr. Tom would like to process into church with some children of our parish, grades K-6. If you will be at the 11:00 am Mass and your child would like to process in with Fr. Tom please call the parish rectory or Faith Formation office for simple directions.

Gospel Weeklies Lessons Grades K-6…

  • Sunday March 21st – 5th Sunday of Lent John 12:20-33
  • Grades 2, 7and 8 – IN – PERSON CLASS

If your 8th grader has not fulfilled their spiritual component for the Confirmation requirement, Wednesday, March 24th, would be a great opportunity for them and yourselves or their sponsor to come see the parish’s dramatic reading of the Passion of Christ at 7:30 pm.

Partners in Faith,

Phyllis Chudzinski

Faith Formation Program Coordinator