Remember to look for your container for our “Mary Garden” that we will be putting together at our Monday, May 3rd meeting. We will also have our plant exchange so bring plants for the Mary Garden and an extra one for the exchange. BYOD (bring your own dirt). Garden gloves & a small hand shovel might be helpful.
We will have the election of officers that night also. If you are interested call Judi Fanco 248.474.0158. Several people are doubling up. Our Recording Secretary is doing both her job and also handling the Corresponding Secretary position. Also not an officer position but 2 committee positions are being doubled up by officers. They are Hospitality & Altar Care. Hospitality sets up, cleans up, and schedules refreshments for our meetings. Altar Care sets up and distributes the schedule for the various groups that clean the altar once a week & makes sure all the supplies needed are purchased. She also makes sure the weekly schedule is listed in the Church paper. Please consider if you can help.
All ladies of our parish are welcome to join our group. We meet on the first Monday of the month September – June (no meeting in January).
Call Joanne Camiller for more information.
Remember to say an extra prayer for your fellow Sodality members.
See you in Church,