Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation News

Dear Faith Formation Families,

Our catechetical year has ended with this weekend’s Gospel Weeklies. (Though 8th grade will still be having class in preparation for their upcoming Confirmation.) Please submit any outstanding assignments you may have. If you are turning in the work in the magazines themselves, please drop them off at the Faith Formation office or at the rectory office. It was an unusual year to say the least. I want to thank you all for your support! We are planning on in-person classes for all grades in September. We will be sending out a mailing in August.

Our summer VBS program will be June 21st-June 25th, it is called TORCH BEARERS… TAKING THE GOSPEL GLOBAL. It will have a summer Olympics theme. Vacation Bible School is a perfect opportunity for service hours for incoming 7th and 8th graders!