Livonia, Michigan

July Mass Updates

As we return to a more normal lifestyle, the following guidelines will be implemented for the parish:
  • The face-coverings and social distance requirements have expired, so there is no need to keep an empty pew in between as we have been practicing before. However, the left pew section (in front of the Holy Family) is dedicated to those who still want to keep social distance. Please sit wherever you want.
  • On the first Sunday of July, we will go back to the “old way” of using the Holy Communion line.
  • Everyone (even the people from the designated area) are invited to come down the aisle to the first step of the altar to receive Holy Communion.
  • The Eucharistic Minister serving on the Holy Family side will continue to wear a mask for the time being. If you feel more comfortable receiving Holy Communion from a Eucharistic Minister wearing a mask, please feel free to join the Communion line on the Holy Family side.
  • If, because of your health condition, you have a problem walking, please inform one of the ushers before Mass and you will be served where you are seated.
  • Because COVID restrictions have been eliminated, if you are interested in joining the choir, please contact Pat Knorp at
Thank you for your understanding and please stay healthy and be safe.