Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation News

A catechist is a faith-filled Catholic who is extraordinary because he or she teaches as Jesus did. Just as the pastor gathers the parish to celebrate and share in the life of the Spirit alive in the faith community, so the catechist gathers the children and creates opportunities for them to experience the meaning and importance of Jesus in their lives.
Commissioned and supported by the parish and pastor, catechists are entrusted with the important role of formally presenting the story of Faith to our young people, after their parents, who are their first teachers. True to the past, open to the future, dedicated to deepening the faith of the present generation – if this describes you, we hope you will consider becoming a catechist at St. Genevieve-St. Maurice.
All materials and training are provided. Please spend the summer praying and discerning this decision. If you are interested, please contact the Faith Formation office. We have openings in grades 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Partners in faith,

Phyllis Chudzinski