Livonia, Michigan

From Fr. Tom

Welcome to the 3rdSunday of Ordinary Time.

Today’s Gospel presents Jesus’ “inaugural address” in the synagogue of Nazareth and outlines his theology of total liberation, which marks a great moment in Jesus’ ministry. The Scripture readings for today focus our attention to the importance and liberating power of the Word of God as “sacramental,” making God present in our midst. The readings challenge us to listen to the Word, accept it into our hearts, then put it into practice as we live out our lives, thus liberating ourselves and others from all types of bondages.

In this passage Luke describes, how on the Sabbath, Jesus stood before the people in the synagogue of his hometown of Nazareth, reading and interpreting what Isaiah had prophesied about the Messiah and his mission. Jesus claims that he is the One sent “to bring glad tidings to the poor, liberation to captives, recovery of sight to the blind and freedom for the oppressed.” To the great amazement and disbelief of his own townsmen, Jesus declares that Isaiah’s prophecy is being fulfilled at that very moment “in your hearing,” because the prophecy foretold and described Jesus’ own mission and ministry. Jesus’ mission is still to give liberation to everyone who will listen to his “Good News,” accepts it and put it into practice. Luke reports that surprise and admiration were the initial reactions of the people, who were astonished at the power and eloquence of this son of their soil.

How does today’s liturgy of the word affect us?

  1. We need to receive Christ’s freedom, live it and pass it on to others: As members of Christ’s Mystical Body, we share in the freeing, saving mission of Jesus, but still, we are captives of sin. We need Christ to set us free. We are often blinded by our evil habits, addictions and need for financial security. Once we receive true liberation from Christ, we have to share it with those we encounter in our daily lives: families, neighborhoods, parishes and workplaces.
  2. We need to let the power of the Holy Spirit fill us and then be ready to have miracles done through us. Today’s Gospel tells us that Jesus performed miracles because he was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us be ready to become Spiritfilled instruments of Christ’s saving freedom. Let us be free in Christ!

Have a blessed week.

Fr. Tom