A few weeks ago, after we finished an interview with our candidates for confirmation, I asked them for some ideas for the title of my article in the bulletin. And of course, I promised that whoever wins the competition will be rewarded accordingly. They came up with such great ideas, but the winner must be one. So, it’s my honor to announce the winner: Natalie Morton. I think those words “Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom” would cover everything I share with you in my articles: liturgy of the word reflections, announcements, plans or projects of our parish, etc. And hopefully these words will be always NOTEWORTHY!
Thank You Natalie.
In today’s Gospel Jesus draws our attention to practical points of Christian living and challenges us to use the words that He used is in His preaching and healing ministry —to heal, to restore, and to bring back life, joy, and hope. Today’s readings also instruct us to share our Christian life, love, and spiritual health by our words and to avoid gossiping and judgments of others.
Why should we avoid judging:
- No one except God is good enough to judge others. Only God sees the whole truth, and only He can read the human heart. Hence, only He has the ability, right, and authority to judge us.
- We do not see all the facts or circumstances or the power of the temptation which has led a person to do something evil.
We are often prejudiced in our judgment of others and total fairness cannot be expected from us, especially when we are judging those near or dear to us. - We have no right to judge because we have the same faults as the one we are judging and often in a greater degree. St. Philip Neri commented, watching the misbehavior of a drunkard: “There goes Philip but for the grace of God.”
Abraham Lincoln said that the only one who has the right to criticize is the one who has the heart to help. Hence, we should leave all judgment to God, practice mercy and forgiveness, and pray for God’s grace to get rid of all forms of hypocrisy in our lives. Let us remember the warning of saints: “When you point one finger of accusation at another, three of your fingers point at you.”
Lent 2022
With God’s Grace, on this Ash Wednesday we are going to begin Lent 2022. Time of repentance, prayer, fasting and almsgiving as a preparation for our Easter celebration.
You are all invited to join us for Ash Wednesday celebrations with the distribution of ashes: Masses at 12 pm, & 7 pm. Confession will be heard 1 hour before each Mass. (Do not come at the last minute, please!)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday between 10 am –7 pm and Stations of the Cross at 7:15 pm.
Beginning March 10, Deacon Lawrence will be our leader on an Adult Faith Formation Lenten Series: “Fit for Battle; Practical Helps for the Spiritual Life”. You can find more information on page 3.
Do not miss an opportunity, you are all invited.
And of course: The FISH FRY!
I can’t wait for it… all of it.
Blessing to all of you.
Fr. Tom