Livonia, Michigan

Noteworthy News From Fr. Tom

It was such a blessing to walk with you through the Lenten season of 2022, a season of repentance, conversion and preparation for Easter. With daily Mass and confession, the Holy Hour Eucharistic Adoration for Peace and every Friday Adoration, with the Stations of the cross, with Taize adoration of the cross, the Living Stations of the cross, with “Fit for the battle” Faith Formation for Adults sessions, and weekly Religious Education classes for our little ones, and of course with our Fish Fry Lenten activity. So many people have been involved, so many people offered their time, talents, and prayers. Because we all love our Lord Jesus, and because we all love St. Genevieve – St. Maurice. For me YOU ARE living proof that JESUS IS RISEN, that HE IS ALIVE!

May you feel the joy of the presence of Jesus. The Lord has risen to bless us. This Easter I pray that the love of God is Resurrected, Reborn, and Renewed in our hearts.
On behalf of the whole parish staff, Deacon Lawrence and myself, Wishing You all Happy Easter.

P.S. After these 40 days of Lenten journey I would love to celebrate with you Easter season but, on Tuesday April 19thI am leaving for Poland. My religious brothers from North America have delegated me to go and be their representative at the next General Chapter of the Congregation of St. Michael the Archangel (April 21st – May 8th). I will take this trip to Poland also as an opportunity to spend a few weeks with my family after the Chapter is finished (I haven’t seen my family since May 2019). I am planning to come back on May 26th. I am confident that our staff together with Deacon Lawrence will do their best (as they always do!) to take care of everything while I will be gone. Please pray for me, my religious community, my family and do not stop praying for PEACE. I assure you that you and your intentions will travel with me. You are in my heart.

With Easter Blessings, Fr. Tom