Dear St. Genevieve–St. Maurice Parishioners,
We all have our own prayers that we say, especially during the Lenten Season, to ready our hearts, minds and spirits for Christ’s Passion, Death and Resurrection but we also give up certain things too. We make special times for prayer and sacrifices to help ourselves and others find that spirit of holiness in our hearts to receive Christ in all His resurrected glory on Easter Sunday. Then in God’s great kindness, He gives us Divine Mercy Sunday, another opportunity to praise God for His Love for us.
Sometimes we are asked to step out of our comfort zone and that is not ever an easy choice to make. This year, many of you did make that choice and took part in the Living Stations of the Cross, others spent extra time rehearsing a lot of challenging music for the liturgies and still others found themselves getting costumes ready, organizing music or other unfamiliar but necessary tasks. There’s a saying, “it takes a village….” that’s true in many cases. This year, it took a very special “village”… it took the people of St. Genevieve–St. Maurice Parish to make this 2022 Lent, Holy Triduum and Divine Mercy Sunday a most spiritually fulfilling and loving expression of Christian faith, hope and joy. Thank you all for giving of yourselves so willingly, so generously and so lovingly. It’s a joy to work and pray with you each week and I thank God for blessing me with your kind support and friendship.
Yours in Christ,
Pat Knorp, Music Minister