Livonia, Michigan

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

Welcome to the XVI Sunday of Ordinary Time. The central themes of today’s readings are the importance of hospitality in Chris- tian life and the necessity of listening to God before acting. The key to the Christian life is setting priorities: Jesus Christ first, then everything else. The only way to really learn that lesson is to spend some time every day “sitting at the feet of Jesus.”

The Gospel passage describes how Martha, a genuine child of Abraham, wanted to extend the traditional generous hospitality of her people to Jesus, the true Messiah, by preparing an elaborate meal for Him, while her sister Mary spent her time talking to Him and listening to Him. Presenting Martha as a dynamo of action and Mary as a true listener to the word of God, today’s Gospel invites us to serve others with Martha’s diligence, after recharging our spiritual batteries every day by prayer – listening to God and talking to God – as Mary did. We are able to minister truly to the needs of others only after welcoming God’s Word into our hearts and minds.

Are you planning to “sit at the feet of Jesus” this week, to spend some time with Him and listen to Him!? That would truly motivate you more to live and act for Him!

# This weekend we welcome Deacon Steve J. Morello from the Missionary Strategic Planning of The Archdiocese of Detroit. Deacon Steve will be preaching at every Mass bringing us closer to an understanding of what the Family of Parishes transformation process is all about. By the baptismal font you can find prayer cards with the prayer for the Family of Parishes. Let us pray especially for our Family of Parishes: Our Lady of Loretto, St. Valentine, St. John XXIII and our parish. May we all become united in the mission of unleashing the Gospel.

# On July 19, on the 3rd Tuesday we celebrate the devotion to St. Michael the Archangel. After a votive Mass to St. Michael, we will be praying the Chaplet of St. Michael before the Blessed Sacrament and adore Jesus, “sitting at his feet” until 8.30 pm. You are all invited to pray with us for St. Michael’s protection from the evil one for the world, our country and our families.

If you are looking for another opportunity to spend some time before the Blessed Sacrament, please remember that every Friday after 9 am Mass Jesus is exposed on the altar until 12 pm… and waiting for you!

Next weekend July 23rd and 24th after each Mass we will be doing a car blessing and praying for the safety of the drivers and passengers through the intercession of St. Christopher the patron of those who travel.

Motto for this week

Jesus Christ first, then everything else.

You are in my prayers, Fr. Tom