Livonia, Michigan

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

The common theme of today’s readings is the need for true humility which leads to a generous and blessed sharing with the needy. The readings also warn us against all forms of pride and self-glorification. They present humility not only as a virtue, but also as a means of opening our hearts, our minds, and our hands to the poor, the needy, the disadvantaged, and the marginalized people in our society – a personal responsibility for every authentic Christian.

Humility is based on the psychological awareness that everything I have is a gift from God and, therefore, I have no reason to elevate myself above others. On the contrary, I must use these God-given gifts to help others. True humility requires us to neither overestimate nor underestimate our worth. We must admit the truths that we are sinners, that we do not know everything, and that we do not always act properly. Nevertheless, we must also recognize that we are made in the image and likeness of God, and that we are called to help build the kingdom of God with our God-given gifts. We are of value, not because of those gifts, but because we are loved by God as His children, redeemed by the precious blood of His son Jesus.

“Learn to be humble by doing all the humble work and doing it for Jesus. You cannot learn humility from books; you learn it by accepting humiliations. Humiliations are not meant to torture us; they are gifts from God. These little humiliations – if we accept them with joy – will help us to be holy, to have a meek and humble heart like Jesus.” (St. Teresa of Calcutta).

CSA 2022

I have good news for all of you. Last week we reached our CSA goal for this year which is $55,013. It would be appropriate to remember that through the ministries, programs, and services supported by your generosity, the spiritual and physical needs of parishes and countless individuals throughout the Archdiocese and southeast Michigan are met. Your money really helps many people to know Jesus! I would like to thank to all of you who already made your donation this year.

For those of you who did not have a chance to do so, please remember that you still can do it. This year CSA excess will be return our parish and will be dedicated to the new sound system for our church that we REALLY NEED! After Blessed Solanus Casey, I thank you ahead of time!

Fr. Tom