I wish to express my most sincere thanks to all the parishioners of St. Genevieve-St. Maurice Parish for the warm welcome that you gave me during my mission appeal visit on the weekend of August 20/21. It was a great pleasure for me to visit the parish and to experience your special kindness and interest in the work of the Irish Pallottine Fathers in Kenya, Tanzania and Colombia. I also wish to thank you for your charitable donations in support of our missionary outreach. We greatly depend on the donations of good natured people like you to maintain the services that we provide for our people.
Please accept my most sincere thanks for all that you have done to help us. We are very grateful for your assistance. We pray for our benefactors every day in our Pallottine communities throughout the world. I also wish to express my gratitude to Fr. Tom and to the parish staff for welcoming me to the parish and for all that they have done to organize my visit.
With renewed thanks and blessings,
Fr. Denis O’Brien, S.A.C.