Today’s readings remind us that we are God’s stewards and that God expects faithful and prudent stewardship from us. They challenge us to use our God-given talents and blessings, like wealth, wisely to attain Heavenly bliss.
Saint John Chrysostom once said: “Faithfulness in little things is a big thing,” and the reminder of St. Theresa of Calcutta, “Do little things with great love.” Hence, let us not ignore doing little things, like acknowledging a favor with a sincere “thank you,” congratulating others for their success, sharing in their sorrows and/or offering them help and support in their needs.
God is calling us to use our spiritual resources wisely. The manager in Jesus’ story used all his resources to secure his future. We must be no less resourceful. We have at our disposal the Holy Mass and the Seven Sacraments as sources of Divine grace, the Holy Bible as the word of God for daily meditation and practice, and the teaching authority of the Spirit-guided Church to direct us in our Christian life. We need to use these resources in such a way that it will be said of us, “And the master commended them because they acted so prudently.”
We insure our houses against fire, storms, flood, and thieves, just as we insure our lives by buying life insurance, health insurance, and car insurance. In the same way, let us “insure” ourselves (with God, not Prudential!) for the one thing that most certainly will happen, namely, our meeting God to give Him an account of our lives. What really matters, at that time of our Private Judgment by God at the moment of our death is how wisely we have used our blessings during our life, lovingly and generously sharing them with others in need. Am I a prudent steward of the Lord’s goods!?
Wonderful Picnic
What a wonderful picnic we had last Sunday. THANKS to everyone. Let’s start with God, for the beautiful weather and for bringing all of the wonderful people to celebrate with us. Our God is AWESOME! Did you know about it?!!! Thanks to all the people who tirelessly worked to prepare this event. The staff members, the representatives of our groups: Women’s Sodality, Men’s Club, Choir, Young Adults, Right to Life, Saint Vincent de Paul, many volunteers and all of the donors: Livonia Save Our Youth, Belle Tire on Middlebelt, Livonia Parks and Recreation, Chili’s – Christl Andersen, The Fanco and Camiller families, Nursing Home Ministry, Premier Pet Supply in Livonia, Jokers 4 Fun, Cirque Amongus, St. Rafka and many others. I personally cannot forget about those who donated $660 for me to be “baptized” again. That was an unforgettable experience. Hopefully you all had a wonderful time. May God be praised!
St. Maurice feast
You are all invited to celebrate with us the feast day of one of the patrons of our parish. St. Maurice’s feast is on September 22nd. Please come to 9 am Mass and receive a blessing with St. Maurice relics. May St. Maurice lead us to Jesus and protect our parish community.
Have a blessed and Grace filled week. Fr. Tom
Please come celebrate the relic of the Holy Face of Jesus next weekend, September 24th & 25th after all masses. This relic was touched to the original Veronica’s Veil at the Vatican. Many graces and blessings can be obtained through Jesus’ Holy Face.