Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation News

Hello Families! It was nice to see familiar faces as well as new families at our first meeting of our Faith Formation school year. We are blessed with wonderful catechists and aids helping your children in the faith journey that you started for them as their first teachers at Baptism. It is not too late to sign up for classes. If you know anyone who would like to join us, bring them on Wednesday!

I want to thank our catechists and aids for sharing their faith with the children of our parish: Mrs. Sherry Luszcz, Mrs. Barbara Janeczko, Mrs. Loretta Gelhaus, Mrs. Suezane Canfield, Mrs. Karen Bonanno and Mrs. Gloria Platek. Assisting our younger grades are Mrs. Jan Belleperche and Mrs. Wendy Jones. And I couldn’t operate the program without the back up of Mr. Mark Mazur and our secretary Mrs. Kellie Chamberland. Thank you all for your support and time you give to our families. If you would like to join our team as an aide or substitute please notify the Faith Formation office.

Partners in Faith,
Phyllis Chudzinski

  • Wednesday, 9/28/22 – K-8 Class 5:30 -7:00 pm
  • Wednesday, 10/5/22 – K-8 Class 5:30- 7:00 pm
    Mandatory Confirmation Meeting 7th & 8th grade @ 6:15 pm