Livonia, Michigan

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

Epiphany, is the Greek word for Manifestation. This feast is proof that God loves everyone. Absolutely everyone. White, black, yellow and red, boys and girls, men and women, He loves absolutely everyone. So, what’s the story? How does the story begin?

The three Wise Men, the Three Magi, heard news that in Bethlehem a new King was born, not only a new King of the Jews, but the Messiah, the King of the whole world, the King of the Universe!!! And they decided to go there and pay Him homage…

Who are the three Kings? What do we know about them? We know that they were:

  • Probably very rich (they brought rich gifts)
  • Wise (they knew the teaching of the prophets and how to read the stars)
  • Open minded (being Kings they knew that God is much bigger, and His authority is much stronger than every other earthly king)
  • Brave (they were not afraid of Herod who was a King of Judea)

They came from the East, and they traveled for a very long distance. How did they know the way to Jerusalem? (Star) They followed the star!

The star brought them to Jerusalem. When they got to Jerusalem, they went to see King Herod thinking that he had already saw Jesus. They asked about Jesus, but Herod was surprised. To say that he was surprised is an understatement, he was shocked, he was afraid, and he was furious… I’m the King of this place, if another King was born in my city I’m in trouble, He will try to take over my Kingdom and my position. So, he craftily asked the Three Magi to come back to him after they visited the new born King so he could go and do the same. But he was lying, of course!!!

The star brought them to Jesus!

Who is the star in your life? Not who is your idol, but your star! Who brings you to Jesus?!

So, when the Magi got to Bethlehem, they saw the Holy Family, Mary, Joseph and Jesus lying in the manger. They kneeled, paid Him homage, worship, and gave Him the gifts which they brought. What were the gifts that Jesus received from the Magi?

Gold – they recognized in Him the King.

Frankincense – they recognized in Him God Himself.

Myrrh – an herb used in burials. They recognized in Him someone who was going to suffer and be killed.

When they finished their visit, they returned to their Kingdoms.

But did they return the same way? Of course not! They decided to take another way, they did not want to meet King Herod and let him know where they found Jesus!!! What does this feast of Epiphany teach us?

First – God loves everyone. His message of love is for everyone. He
wants to be known and loved by everyone.

Second – Every time when we come to pray, to worship, to celebrate the Holy Eucharist…we must come like these three Magi. Maybe we are not rich, we don’t have gold, frankincense, myrrh or any other special gifts for Jesus but we have our HEARTS filled with LOVE for Jesus. This is the most valuable gift that every one of us can offer to Jesus as our KING and our GOD!

Have a blessed week.

Fr. Tom