Livonia, Michigan

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

You are the salt of the earth… You are the light of the world…

This Sunday Jesus encourages us to live our short lives as traces of
salt and candles of light.

It only takes a sprinkling of salt to transform a dull and tasteless piece of meat. Just a little salt transforms everything. Just a pinch of soul-salt will add flavor to the lives of hundreds or even thousands. Just as salt acts as a preservative and adds flavor to food, so the exemplary lives of Christians lend flavor to life by helping people to live correctly and by keeping society wholesome. Just a little light empties the world of darkness. With a little faith and love, we can light up a big social area. Does that encourage us? It should. We may think we’re insignificant – and in a way we are – but with a little bit of Christ’s Light, we become a veritable lighthouse, illuminating the way for many. This Christ-light removes the darkness caused by hatred, spite, fear, and jealousy. Our good deeds and actions reflect the image of Jesus, the light of the world. We can speak with kindness and respect, we can value ourselves, we can tell the truth and we can use our talents. We can listen and talk, we can engage in dialogue and we can come to know people of different ethnic backgrounds, people with different lifestyles and sexual preferences, people of other Faiths and people of no Faith – and this will bring the light of Christ to illumine and change the world. Salt is a hidden but powerful influence. Light is a visible and revealing influence. Jesus tells us that we are not only to be the salt of the earth, but also the light of the world. We are called to make a visible, tangible impact on the world around us. Does our life make a difference? It should. Jesus said we are to be salt and light. Does our life make a difference? It can, if we surrender ourselves to Christ. Does our life make a difference? If we live for Him, it will!

Healing Mass

Feb. 11th is World Day of the Sick, an observation introduced by Pope John Paul II as a way for believers to offer prayers for those suffering from illnesses. The day coincides with the commemoration of Our Lady of Lourdes and is an important opportunity for those who serve in Catholic health ministry to reflect on caring for those who are sick as well as those who provide care to them. If you are sick, or have someone who is sick, please come or help them to come at 12 pm to celebrate Mass with the anointing of the sick.

Our Lady of Lourdes pray for us!