Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation News

Hello families! As the domestic church, we have the opportunity to make the family meal a time of prayerful encounter with one another and with Jesus. At a family meal we share our experiences of the day and connect them with the experiences of others in the family. We can also enjoy the meal as an opportunity to reflect upon our family life in light of Scripture. At their best our family meals can connect us to Jesus too. Choose a family meal this week to share one another’s experiences of the week in a special way. Begin the meal by reading today’s Gospel, Luke 24:13-35. As you eat, talk together about how the disciples discussed their experiences in Jerusalem and how they came to understand them differently when Jesus interpreted those events in the light of Scripture. Then invite each family member to share the things that are going on in his or her life. Consider what Jesus might say to each person if he were sitting at your dinner table. Pray a prayer of blessing for each family member, asking that Jesus continue to be present in each person’s life, helping each one to be a better follower of Jesus. Conclude with a Sign of Peace.

Family Challenge – Today’s Gospel tells us that the walking distance between Jerusalem and Emmaus is seven miles. See if your family can walk a total of seven miles this week. Use an online map or phone app to track your progress.

Liturgy – Find the Paschal Candle in your church. What do you see on it? What makes it different than any other candle in the Church?

Fun Fact – April 26th is National Pretzel Day! A young monk first started baking pretzels around the year 610. He folded the dough into a shape resembling a child crossing its arms in prayer. It is said that the three holes in a pretzel twist represent the Holy Trinity.

Partners in Faith,
Phyllis Chudzinski

  • Wednesday 4/26/23 – Faith Formation Classes K-8, 5:30-7pm
  • Wednesday 5/3/23 – Last Faith Formation Classes K-8, 5:30- 7pm