The parish SVDP Conference wishes to express our sincere appreciation for your continued financial, spiritual, and pantry support. You should take great pride in knowing that you have made a major impact in the lives of so many. You are making a difference!
With the warmth of spring upon us, many have forgotten the bitter cold of this past winter. For many in need it was a long winter. They have not forgotten what you did for them by providing rent, heat, and power. For many, your support changed hopeless situations to relief and gratitude. For example, during the ice/windstorm we had, power was out for days/weeks across the metro area. Local schools found multiple families had abandoned their apartments and moved into their cars, running the car heater as a source of warmth. A call went out to SVDP’s in surrounding communities. We/you were able to care for a mother with two young children. It was nearly a week before they could return to a warm apartment.
SVDP has a unique financial assistance program where if one SVDP conference is lacking funds they can call upon other conferences for assistance. This is known as twinning. An example of a recent “twin” involves an elderly blind widow. Her residence had a severe mold problem, making it unlivable. Through multiple parish SVDP’s she now lives in a clean and safe environment.
Especially for the elderly and the children, thank you for your pantry support! This year we have given out 760 bags of food. At this time last year, 548 were distributed. Your response to the increased need is amazing!
And finally, we would also like to thank our corporate sponsors; Meijer, Kroger, Bob’s Discount Furniture, Google, Costco, Belle Tire and Virginia Natural Gas.
God Bless,