Thank you to those of you who have already made a 2023 CSA pledge as this ensures we live out our theme to Go and Announce the Gospel of the Lord.
Fr. Tom is asking all parishioners to join him in contributing to this year’s Catholic Services Appeal
If we all give, we will easily meet St. Genevieve – St. Maurice’s 2023 CSA target of $57,859, which is our parish share of the support for the CSA-funded ministries, programs, and services. Any gifts we receive over our target will be returned to our parish in full. If, however, we do not meet this target, we will have to make up the shortfall from our general fund.
If you are still prayerfully considering your CSA pledge, you may mail your completed pledge card in the pre-addressed envelope that is provided you. You may also pledge your gift to our parish campaign by giving online at
Each year, we have the opportunity to unleash the Gospel through our Catholic Services Appeal. The valuable ministries, programs, and services funded by our CSA benefit so many in our parish and across the Archdiocese of Detroit and beyond. When we support the CSA, together we Fuel the Mission to unleash the Gospel. The 2023 CSA campaign will launch on CSA Weekend, May 13-14. You will soon, if you haven’t already, receive information about the CSA from Archbishop Vigneron asking us to join him in supporting the CSA-funded ministries, programs, and services. We invite all parishioners to reflect on God’s blessings in their lives and make a pledge to our 2023 CSA as Christ’s disciples.