Hello families! Even though we have less experience with sheep and shepherds today in our society, we can still identify strongly with the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd and as the gate for the sheep. Psalm 23 remains a popular and favorite psalm for prayer. In the image of the Good Shepherd, we know ourselves to be protected and cared for by a loving God.
As your family gathers, ask what each person knows about sheep and shepherds. Recall that shepherds and sheep have a close relationship. Sheep will only follow their own shepherd; they recognize his voice and will not follow a stranger. The shepherd’s job is to protect his sheep. In some ways, the relationship between the shepherd and his sheep is like that of a parent and child. Read together this Sunday’s Gospel, John 10:1-10. Talk about how Jesus tells us that He is the gate for the sheep. The sheep enter the protection of the sheepfold through the gate. In Jesus we find protection and abundant life. Conclude by thanking Jesus for being our Good Shepherd and by praying today’s psalm, Psalm 23.
Family Challenge – Jesus tells us that He is the “gate” (or the way) to eternal life. Every time you see a gate this week, thank Jesus for something good that happened that day.
Liturgy Link – What is the design on your parish’s tabernacle? What is kept inside?
Fun Fact – Sheep are mentioned in the Bible more than 500 times, more than any other animal.
Partners in Faith,
Phyllis Chudzinski
Wednesday 5/3/23 – Last Faith Formation Classes K-8, 5:30- 7pm
Sunday 5/7/23 – First Communion celebration at the 11am Mass
*We need adult help for Vacation Bible School this June, please contact us if you are interested!*