Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation News

Hello families!

Will we see you tomorrow at VBS STELLAR: SHINE JESUS’ LIGHT? We can’t wait!

Meet Our Extended Family – St. Cyril of Alexandria (Feast Day June 27). St. Cyril was born about 376 in Alexandria, Egypt. He became archbishop when his uncle, the former archbishop, died. During his first years in the position, Cyril was severe with heretics (baptized members of the Church who refuse to acknowledge or accept a revealed truth) and other people who caused trouble for the Christians. Later, he grew in compassion. Cyril became famous for his action at the Council of Ephesus. He tried to make the heretic Nestorius understand that Christ was truly God and man. He defended the teaching that Mary is the Mother of God and insisted on calling her Theotokos, a Greek name meaning “God-bearer” or “Mother of God.” Cyril died in 444. Because of his struggle with heretics and his forceful writing about doctrine, Cyril was later named a Doctor of the Church.

Take Time to Chat – In today’s Gospel, Jesus begins by saying, “Fear no one.” Are you afraid of anyone? If so, why? How many hairs to do you think you have on your head? How does it make you feel to know that God knows everything about you, even the number of hairs on your head? What does Jesus mean when he says, “Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father.” St. Cyril of Alexandria challenged people who were heretics. Do you think there are any heretics today? Explain your answer.

Family Prayer – Prayer Against Fear – Invite each family member to think of something that may be causing them anxiety or fear and to bring it before Jesus in this prayer. Lord Jesus, draw near to me now and hear my prayer. Lord, you know my heart and my innermost thoughts. You see the struggle within me and the battle between mind and heart. I ask you, O Lord, please release me from this fear. Let me bask in your Holiness and remain calm, knowing that you are Lord and Savior. You died for my sins, and you will never abandon me. Send your Spirit upon me to comfort me and give me peace. I thank you for your everlasting love. Amen.

Family Challenge – Identify one thing that you are afraid of and ask God to help you overcome it.

Liturgy Link – What color did the priest wear at Mass today? When was the last time you saw the priest wear this same color? What does the color change signify?

Partners in Faith,
Phyllis Chudzinski