Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation News

Hello Families!

Meet Our Extended Family- St. Ludovico of Casoria (Feast Day March 29) March 11, 1814 – March 30, 1885, born in Casoria, Italy, Arcangelo Palmentieri was a cabinetmaker before entering the Friars Minor in 1832, taking the name Ludovico. After his ordination five years later, he taught chemistry, physics, and mathematics to younger members of his province for several years. In 1847, he had a mystical experience, after which he dedicated his life to the poor and the infirm. He established a dispensary for the poor, two schools for African children, an institute for the children of nobility, an institution for orphans, the deaf, and the speechless, and other institutes for the blind, elderly, and travelers. In 1859, he established the Gray Brothers, a religious community composed of men who formerly belonged to the Secular Franciscan Order. Three years later, he founded the Gray Sisters of St. Elizabeth for the same purpose.

Take Time to Chat – Is there anything that is SO valuable that you would sell all that you have to purchase it? If so, what is it? Did you ever lose something important and then find it later? What did that feel like? What is Jesus trying to teach us in today’s Gospel? St. Ludovico taught math and science classes. How do these subjects reflect the beauty of our Creator?

Family Prayer – Guardian Angel Prayer Angel of God, my guardian dear to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen

Family Challenge – Work on being thankful this week. Wake up each morning and thank God for all that you have (your family, your home, your friends, your faith, etc.).

Liturgy Link – Today’s Gospel talks about the kingdom of heaven being like a treasure. There are many valuable things in your church. What do you think is most valuable?

Fun Fact – The most valuable earthly treasure ever found (The Cuerdale Hoard) was discovered in 1840 by a group of workmen in a river near Preston in England. Inside was one of the biggest hoards of Viking treasure ever found – more than 8,600 items were documented, including silver coins, various bits of jewelry, and silver ingots. It has an estimated worth of $3.2 million.

Partners in Faith,
Phyllis Chudzinski