Hello Families!
We are very excited for the new Faith Formation year! Fr. Tom will welcome us all back with a special Mass for our Faith Formation families on Wednesday September 13th, 2023, at 6:00 pm. Please join us and invite your extended family too. What a wonderful way to start our year off full of grace and blessings for our students and families! Fr. Tom is looking for parents and children to be active participants during this mass. Any parents and children that would like to read or bring up the gifts/prayer basket please contact Phyllis. Registrations are available in the back of church. Please call the Faith Formation Office at 734-261-5920 if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to working with you and your family this year.
Today’s Gospel reminds us that the Church is built on the foundation of faith in Jesus Christ. Peter announces the core of our faith, that Jesus is God’s only Son. The family, as the domestic church, has this same faith as its foundation.
As you gather together as a family, talk about people whose faith has helped you to be a member of the Church and talk about what you have learned from leaders in our Church today. Read together today’s Gospel, Matthew 16:13-20. Talk about what you know about Peter and his importance to the early Christian community. Talk about what we can learn from Peter and his profession of faith about Jesus. Conclude in prayer together by praying today’s Psalm.
Partners in Faith,
Phyllis Chudzinski