Livonia, Michigan

Noteworthy News from Fr. Tom

By the Faithful Desciple

Examine your heart and take a hard look at whether you are holding on to a wrong that was committed against you. Take it to God in prayer. The more we open our hearts to forgive others, the more at peace we can be. Ponder the last words of today’s reading from Sirach: Think of the commandments, hate not your neighbor remember the Most High’s covenant, and overlook faults.

Hopefully these few words find you well. It’s hard for me to believe but summer 2023 is almost gone. Time really flies, and it’s not in our power to speed it up or slow it down. I would say, Thanks be to God! For everything we should be grateful, because everything is a gift from God, and He is in charge of this world and time is in His hands. He’s been so good to all of us here at St. Genevieve – St. Maurice. We have so many reasons to be grateful. For last weekend’s Parish Picnic: wonderful weather, great turnout, delicious food, so much fun and all of those who have worked hard for a long few months to make this event successful. For the children of our Religious Education program who have come back to learn about God and His works in this world, for their parents, and catechists. For our first Family of Parishes adoration of the Blessed Sacrament that took place at Our Lady of Loretto last Tuesday. For a new OCIA program that will be started on Monday, September 18th at 7 pm and for those who will become Catholics or fully committed Catholics, during next year’s Easter Vigil celebration. For new parishioners and all of these couples who have just started marriage preparation to be ready for their wedding celebrations during the next few months. For the children who have received baptism recently, and their parents who took the responsibility to raise them in the faith. For all of you who come faithfully every Sunday to celebrate with us the Lord’s Day, and those of you who come every day for the Eucharist. For those who come and pray the rosary every Wednesday at 7 pm. And those who come for confession regularly. And finally, for the life of those who died during last few months may they be embraced by the love of God in His eternal Kingdom.

We can be unhappy about what we don’t have, or happy with what we have. The choice is ours!

Let us be grateful for everything! God really loves us!

Fr. Tom