Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation News

Hello Families!

Today’s Gospel reminds us that God invites all of us to his kingdom. How do we respond to this invitation? In theological terms, God has granted us free will to accept or reject salvation. The parable of the wedding feast reminds us that God desires our wholehearted acceptance of his invitation to salvation.

As you gather as a family, discuss what you consider appropriate attire for various occasions. For example, if your family were invited to a neighbor’s barbecue, what would you wear? If you were planning to attend the symphony, what might you wear? If invited to an evening wedding, what might you wear? Discuss how our preparations for an event and our choice of attire indicates the importance and value we place on the occasion.

In today’s Gospel Jesus uses this metaphor to talk about the kingdom of heaven. Read Matthew 22:1-14. Discuss why the guest was thrown out of the wedding feast. What does Jesus expect of those who accept his invitation of salvation? What would be the evidence of our conversion to God’s salvation? Pray together as a family that you will respond wholeheartedly to God’s invitation to salvation. Pray together today’s psalm, Psalm 23.

Family Fun – Spend time as a family going through your wedding album or a wedding album from someone in your family. Share stories about the joy of your wedding feast.

Family PrayerHeavenly Father, Thank you for the heavenly banquet of the wedding feast that you invite us to through your son Jesus! Help us to love one another as you love us. We pray for our family and all families to be holy and look to the Holy Family for help and a model of how to love one another. Thank you for giving us time together this day as a family. We ask through your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to bless and protect our family as we enter a new week and seek to give glory to you. Amen.

Family Challenge – Invite someone to go to mass with your family this week.

Partners in Faith,
Phyllis Chudzinski


  • Wed., October 18 – Faith Formation Class 5:30-7pm
  • Wed., October 25 – Faith Formation Class & Mandatory Confirmation Sponsor/Candidate Retreat 5:30-7pm