Hello Families!
Faith Formation would like to invite all parish families with kids to our All-Saints Day Activity Night on November 1st at 5:15pm. Join us for food, games and Saint presentations from the students of our program. You do not need to be currently in our Faith Formation program to attend. Please RSVP to our office to pchudzinski@stgenevieve.org. Hope to see you there!
Payment of taxes is unlikely to be a disputed issue in your family. Yet families can still learn something from this Gospel reading. Jesus’ answer to the Herodians and Pharisees redirects their question to focus on the issue of greatest importance: loving and honoring God. Taking this perspective can help us make good judgments about the competing issues of importance in our lives.
As your family gathers, make a list of the activities that your family spends time doing together, such as household tasks, jobs, academics, and recreational activities. Talk about the importance of each of these activities. Ask what would happen if there were an imbalance in our attention to these activities and we spent too much time on one activity at the expense of another.
In today’s Gospel Jesus reminds us of the necessity of giving things their proper importance. Read Matthew 22:15-21. The Herodians and Pharisees were giving too much importance to the issue of the payment of taxes. Jesus reminds them that loving and honoring God is of greater importance. In family life we do many important things, but we remember that God is of the greatest importance in our lives. Pray together that your family will learn to keep things in proper perspective, remembering to keep God first in your lives. Pray together today’s psalm, Psalm 96.
Partners in Faith,
Phyllis Chudzinski
Wed., November 1 – All Saints Family Night at 5:15pm followed by Mass at 7pm. (Holy Day of Obligation)
Wed., November 8 – Faith Formation Class & First Communion Parent/Child Retreat at 5:30pm