Livonia, Michigan

Sodality News

Thanks to everyone who helped make our Bake Sale a success. We had a nice selection of baked goods and plenty of helpers. If you helped set up, worked at the sale, baked or purchased an item, we thank you. A special thanks to Judi Fanco for chairing the sale.

Our next meeting is November 6th. As always, the doors open at 6:30pm with the meeting starting at 7:00pm. We will have a presentation on the Miraculous Medal of Mary.

Tags for the group home Christmas gifts will be available and also tickets can be purchased for the Advent Tea. The Tea will be Sunday, December 3rd from 12pm-3:00pm. The price is $15.00.

Small items for the group home Christmas bags can also be brought to this meeting or dropped off in the Sodality drawer in the back of the Church. Items that the residents appreciate are: personal care items, combs, chap sticks, small flashlights, Kleenex, socks, jewelry, shampoo, crackers, pencils, notepads etc. There are 15 residents, 5 men and 10 women.

The 5:00 Mass Sat. November 25th will be our Mass for deceased and present members. Please try to attend. Remember to say an extra prayer for your fellow Sodality members.
See you in Church,