Livonia, Michigan

Faith Formation News

Hello Families!

Take Time to Chat-Why does the angel say “Do not be afraid” to Mary? Do you think she was scared? What would it be like to meet an angel? The angel tells Mary, “Nothing is impossible for God.” Have you seen or heard of God doing something that seemed impossible? St. Stephen boldly proclaimed Jesus and the truth of the Gospel. Do you have the courage to proclaim Jesus to others? Why or why not?

Family Fun- Christmas Lights Road Trip after dinner, drive around town or your neighborhood to see the Christmas lights. See how many homes have something from our Catholic faith in their display (Nativity scene, statue of Mary, etc.). Play Christmas music while you drive and find the house with your favorite display. Challenge: Go to their door and tell them they won “Best Display in the Neighborhood” by the Christmas Display Committee of your family.

Liturgy Link- Listen closely to the words of the angel Gabriel in today’s Gospel. The words he uses to greet Mary are the beginning of a common prayer we pray. Which one is it?

Family Challenge- Spend 5 minutes in silence reflecting on today’s Gospel passage.

Partners in Faith,
Phyllis Chudzinski

Have a Merry and Blessed Christmas!